Ah, the crisp smell of dying leaves, the squeaking of penny loafers, the feel of books being cracked open (those low-energy-consumption, platform-independent devices you can read in the bathtub), the awesome sight of middle-aged alumni trudging toward the stadium, seat-cushions in hand...
As Thanksgiving 2014 approaches, I feel thankful.
I finished a short film (The Bunny Man!) in collaboration with talented people, Shelter continues to find a home on screens here and abroad (Canada, Japan), Wild Book made it into a steampunk festival, and I was invited to curate a Weird Film Night at a winery!
What luck to work with such creative, cooperative people.
I have more ideas than time or money to pursue them, and am grateful for that kind of problem.
The masterful actor James Udom, who graced my play Scamoramaland in November 2013, has landed a part in an off-Broadway production of Tamburlaine. May he get the big fat career he deserves.
Finally, I have my health, for which I'm most grateful of all.
OK, back to work.